The site is funded amongst the founders. Email sending is costing us quite a bit so we’re still looking for a good solution for SMTP, but otherwise the hosting is minimal. At some point we may throw up a donation button for now we’re flipping the bill for it.
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We could but we felt that since mailing lists are what everyone was used to we should try and keep the functionality of the new group as close as possible to the old one to make it as painless as possible. A “Who moved my cheese” sort of thing. People are certainly more than welcome to disable it, however then it becomes more about “I come to the group when I need help and don’t see other people’s posts”. It drastically reduces the participation with it disabled, which doesn’t help anybody. If I see a topic I have expertise roll by my email I then have the option of answering, otherwise I likely would never see it.
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I have a couple of questions / suggestions that seem semi-related to this.
First: maybe discourse has an option to send daily/weekly digest emails, rather than functioning like an old school email list? That might cut down on the email costs.
Also, does discourse have some way to “follow” certain users, like with an activity feed or email alerts on posts by those users? Might be another option for those of us who don’t want all of this flooding our inboxes.
You can turn on / off emails or how emails works directly in your account settings. There are a lot of options. Daily digests, summaries, activity based etc.
Also in your settings you can set specific tags, categories and posts to watch