Here is another question - We use EDI for a particular customer. Recently the customer changed a part from Rev (00) to Rev (01). The order came into our system calling for Rev (00) yet the EDI file was referring to Rev (01).
Was the Sales Order picking up the Rev that was “Active” in Epicor and therefore changed it to Rev (00)?
We are trying to understand how this happened - any idea’s would be much appreciated.
Also if you’re up to it, could you check out my question concerning Stock Parts and the Planning Workbench?
@jpol On the part master there is use part rev. The field help below only references MRP, but I know if I enter a part into a sales order the rev comes in also. I would assume EDI Demand processing is doing the same. You could tale the app file and process it in test with Use Part Rev set differently then live to see if it made a difference.
Use Part Rev
Select this check box if the Material Requirements Planning (MRP) should use the highest (most current) revision available of the part. If the check box is selected, an entry of the part number automatically specifies the most current revision.
If you clear this check box, you can manually create demand in MRP for different revisions of the same part, and the Epicor application honors the different revisions.