Social Enterprise vs Social Collaborator - Pro's vs Con's

Long story short, we own Enterprise but have not installed or implemented - we have now been given Collaborator to install and implement.

Pro’s and Con’s of each? Anyone using Collaborator yet? How does it compare to Enterprise?

Would welcome thoughts and suggestions!

From release of 10.2.500, Social Enterprise is now is sustained support(This mean no more updates on this module). Alternative is Epicor Collaborate (SaaS).

Thank you @prakash - we are taking into consideration the support variable but were unsure if jumping right into Collaborator would be ‘easy’ without having used Enterprise first? Do you have experience with both?

i have used Enterprise on dev environment. we didnt put in our live environment due to business decisions. Enterprise is alright but customisation/integration aspect is limited. Collaborate is Kinetic framework and futuristic such connecting with other products.

below discussions gives you good idea on Enterprise.

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Bias Alert: I have been actively involved in both product internally for Epicor

If you have not used either the answer is simple: Use collaborate. after 10.2.500 Social Enterprise is no longer shipped with Epicor 10 and will not integrate with it. You can keep it running as a stand alone platform if you upgrade, but there is no reason to start using it at this time.

As of 10.2.500 Social has more features than Collaborate however vNext will be release a large number of collaborate features that I am probably not supposed to tell you about to bring it into feature parity and move it beyond Social in many ways.

If your going to be an Epicor Insights this year track me down. I’ll be in a Collaborate lab that will be 10.2.500 but I’m sure by that point I can start talking about the cool stuff coming.

Regardless though. I was heavily involved in Epicor Social Enterprise, I love Epicor Social Enterprise - do not adopt Epicor Social enterprise from scratch if you have any plans of being current on Epicor 10 - and you should all be current :slight_smile: If you are using Social Enterprise you should be thinking of moving to Collaborate going forward.


Thank you Patrick, very appreciative of your feedback! Will definitely pass this along to the team for discussion!

Not sure if I will be at Insights, would love to, but still up in the air, will definitely track you down though if I am!



Completely back Patrick’s comment. Epicor Collaborate is a way superior product and the vision is much broader than Epicor Social. The way it seamlessly integrates with E10 and various other Epicor products, allowing collaboration around business data, makes it a very exciting product. Early feedback from our customers and sellers have been great!

Thank you! I just sent the ZIP file to our manage service provider to install Collaborator to begin testing on this - very excited to see what it can offer and what external communication tools we could begin to phase out by having this available to us!

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