Trying to use a UD Field to sort a combo box, but using the field name (ScheduleSort_c) doesn’t work. I’m guessing there’s a specific way to reference UD Fields that I’m missing.
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See what columns are being returned by the GetList or GetRows call on the Combobox
If your column isnt there. It may be an idea to use a baq to return your data. You can then sort by your baq column.
Let me know how you get on.
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Thanks for the response. Turns out the sort works just fine using the UD field. The reason it wasn’t working was because the field wasn’t populated. Originally, I had populated the data in the Kinetic screen and saved it, but it didn’t actually save it. When I opened the screen in classic all of my entries were gone. I added it back in the classic screen and verified that the sort worked as intended in Kinetic.