I think it was probably your trim/replace suggestion that worked, not my don't do that suggestion. That is interesting the commas in barcodes get interpreted as spaces in Vantage. When I get some time, I'll have to test that with our setup in case it comes up again. I thought there should be a way to do it but could never get it to work out. Thanks for the tip.
Chris Clunn
I think it was probably your trim/replace suggestion that worked, not my don't do that suggestion. That is interesting the commas in barcodes get interpreted as spaces in Vantage. When I get some time, I'll have to test that with our setup in case it comes up again. I thought there should be a way to do it but could never get it to work out. Thanks for the tip.
Chris Clunn
--- In, "pcivantage" <vantagegroup@...> wrote:
> Chris;
> Glad your fix helped Todd with this.
> Vantage still recognizes data with spaces and # signs for several key fields in bins etc. Vantage also allows you to paste characters into a Memo field that are control or formatting codes that mess up your DB. Vantage also allows you to put more than 1,000 characters in a memo field that is limited to that many. There are a lot of places that data can be entered incorrectly into our database, and putting stops in place is a full time task.
> We have 32,000 parts where they often used these types of characters. A barcode with a big gap in it will not scan, so the code replaces that with the comma character that IS encoded in the bar, and translates back to a space from the scanner, so all works fine. We cannot change a part number they have been using for years, but can automate the data entry part. Productivity is the goal, and often the data is less than perfect.
> Thanks for the suggestion and the joke reference. ;)
> Regards,
> George Hicks
> --- In, "saab_barracuda" <chris.clunn@> wrote:
> >
> > George,
> > How would this help? This might work to get the barcode to read but certainly doesn't help Vantage translate the data.
> >
> > Todd,
> > This reminds me of the old joke...
> >
> > Man goes into the doctor and says, "Doctor, it hurts when I do this."
> > Doctor says, "Then don't do that."
> > Problem solved.
> >
> > Seriously, barcodes should be used on key fields. I'd have to ask why you have spaces in your key fields? Don't do that. ;) This may be out of your control (customer requirements, other departments, legacy systems, etc), so if you must have spaces check with your barcode scanner manual. There may be a setting to read special characters. Then you can replace the space with the special character in the Crystal Report formula (or whatever you are using to generate barcodes.
> >
> > I had to go through some trial and error with our setup to get the scanners to work with the tab key so that we could have a single barcode for job <tab> assembly <tab> operation to speed up clock-in activity. I posted my barcode setup list for Symbol scanners on the group a while back but I really don't much about it other than the list works for me. My list didn't work for spaces though. One time, Prod Control tried to create a job number with a space and I had to tell them, "Don't do that." Problem solved.
> >
> > Good luck,
> > Chris Clunn
> >
> > --- In, "pcivantage" <vantagegroup@> wrote:
> > >
> > > Todd;
> > >
> > > Create a formula to remove the space and add a comma. This will remove the space from the barcode, but will allow the gun to function correctly. Make sure your gun is set to allow Code39 Enhanced codes.
> > >
> > > This example uses the Part Bin table, but you can use whatever table and field you need.
> > >
> > > Formula called "RemoveBarSpaces":
> > > TRIM(REPLACE({PartBin.BinNum}," ", ","))
> > >
> > > Then also remove any `#' signs which mess up your codes as well, like this:
> > > Formula Called "RemoveSpaceAndPound":
> > > TRIM(REPLACE({@RemoveBarSpaces},"#", "/C"))
> > >
> > > I hope this helps you out!
> > > George Hicks
> > > PCI
> > >
> > >
> > > --- In, tgilbert@ wrote:
> > > >
> > > > We have run into a problem in scanning DataWorks Bar 39 bar codes that contain space characters (strings without spaces scan fine). I read that using = or ~ characters can be used in some bar codes to designate a space character but that doesn't work either.
> > > >
> > > > Has anyone run into this?
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > Thanks,
> > > >
> > > > Todd Gilbert
> > > > GCM, Inc.
> > > > Vantage 6.1
> > > >
> > >
> >