I really can’t take credit for it
I did find that expression in one of the Epicor reports that I was tweaking
I found it in the PO Form
The only thing I did was figure out how to copy it to other reports
Gary Wojtowicz
I really can’t take credit for it
I did find that expression in one of the Epicor reports that I was tweaking
I found it in the PO Form
The only thing I did was figure out how to copy it to other reports
Gary Wojtowicz
We have a large text block (15+ lines) that we are trying to copy into the line comments in E10 quoting. The text displays correctly on the screen but when I try to print the form all the carriage returns are removed and all the lines become one paragraph.
The strange part is that if we turn the quote into an order, those same lines print perfect on the Order Acknowledgement. I compared both forms and don't see any difference. I have tried copy and paste from Excel and using the "import file" using a text file.
Thanks Joe. I tried that and got the same result. That was my reasoning behind trying to use the "import file" from a text file.
I also tried using Notepad++ so I can see what special characters are added. The Windows format put CR|LF at the end of each line. I changed it to UNIX format and then it had just CR at the end of each line. When I tried to import the text file, all the lines showed as one paragraph on the screen and the print preview looked correct. When I closed the print preview, everything went back to separate lines and then the print is screwed up again. Apparently Epicor is converting the text and undoing the changes I am trying to make.
Looks like time for a tech support call.
I just got done doing this for another one of my reports
In your report right click in the blue area and pick report properties
Then select code
Paste this into the code area and save
Public Function SplitComments(ByVal str As String) as String
Dim c() As String = Nothing
dim s as string = ""
c = str.Split(vbcrlf)
Dim i As Integer
For i = 0 To c.Length - 1
If i > 0 Then
s = s & vbCrLf & c(i)
s = c(i)
End If
return s
End Function
Then go into your comment area and change your expression to look like this
Should take care of your headache
Gary Wojtowicz
AJR Industries, Inc.
Thanks Gary!
Epicor said they have a fix they are going to send me so I will try that first and your code if it still doesn't work...either way I am saving this for next time.
Alright...vacation is over and had to get back to this problem.
Epicor had their normal solution...it is fixed in 10.1.
Tried Gary's solution and it works awesome. Thanks. Gary.