SSRS Report Style Remove 1000 separator from Numeric Values

SSRS Trial Balance report. We have the generation of this report set as a System Task that runs nightly and emails the .CSV formatted file to recipients. The System Report Style uses under Text Box Properties for FiscalPerCB the custom number format of =“N” + CStr(First(Fields!Calc_BookCurrency_DecimalsGeneral.Value, “GLTBHdng”)) that is basically xxx,xxx.xx. We need to get rid of the “,” comma separator. We tried changing to a Number without 1000 separator to no avail. Also tried Currency without 1000 separator nor leading “$” symbol by selecting Portuguese (Cabo Verde).
How/Where do I change the formatting to remove the “,” commas?

Try changing the N to a F.

Unfortunately. Same thing. Still have the comma separator.
It’s surprising that the commas even exist when selecting .csv for the output format.

Change the expression just to the field, take out all of the formatting. Then right click on the field and use the Text Box Properties to set your formatting.


Thanks @jkane ! That solved the issue.

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