SSRS with BCC only addresses?

When trying to send using only a set of BCC addresses, I get the error:
Program Ice.Services.Lib.RunTask raised an unexpected exception with the following message: RunTask:
System.InvalidOperationException: No printer found in the printer settings. Printer is optional only if Email settings are present.

Intended behavior or bug?

Anyone with any feedback on this question?

Can’t say that I’ve tried this, but this seems to indicate that the code expects a To: address. Have you tried sticking something in there, even a bogus address? Years ago in a different system, I stared doing this with a bogus To address(because it req’d a To address) and all my real recipients were in the BCC field so that no one would know who it was sent to (these were mailings out to all of our customers)

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I’ve tried this in print routing, no luck.
I also had issues using an empty email address field in the To field cause routings to fail (missing customer email with a rep in the CC or BCC). I usually filter out missing addresses, this was just weird situation.

Guess I will put in a ticket and see if this is intended behavior or not. Thanks for the feedback @MikeGross @bderuvo :smiley:

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Clint, if you’re out there haha… I am getting this in Kientic now… any word on that case… :sweat_smile:

Not that I recall appears it was coded with the assumption the to address would always be used.

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And was this always when you were emailing out of the system?

Yes, it required a To: address or it would error out. Could not use just BCC: by itself as a pseudo-DL.

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Okay thanks