Suggested Enhancement: Job Management / General Operations / Labo r

Suggested Enhancement: for Labor Entry Screen Browses
Call Number: 726607PSC
1) On the Top Browse "Time and Attendance Review" add the day of the week
"Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, etc..."
You would be surprised how much easier it is to see and audit yesterdays or
last weeks labor reporting.
2) On the Bottom Browse sort order should be WORK CENTER, MACHINE, CLOCK IN
When auditing labor for employees running multiple machines you need to
audit each machine from the beginning of the day to the end, then go to the
next MACHINE, etc... Currently the browse is in START TIME order only and
makes it harder to audit work done for a machine.

I have maintained this program modification for my users for the past 5
years, it's time to get it in the system.

How you can help.
Go to Epicor's web site's ePortal, select FrontOffice Portal, select Log
Call, answer the required screen questions and cut/copy/paste the subject
line in the "Description" box and the message text in the "Call Details"
box. This is the high tech version of what Vantage Old Timers called a fax
attack. If you have decent band width it's much faster than calling tech
support and we all (those interested in helping) will be sending the exact
same message.


Patrick Winter
sSc Specialty Screw Corporation
Vantage 5.00.317, Progress 9.1a