Supplier Contact Email Address

We use APM to email most of our documents to our customers but we are struggling to use the Supplier Contact Email address to enable POs to be sent by email through APM.

We are on 9.05.702a and Doc-Link version 2.7.46.

I am not sure if it is Crystal that is not showing the correct field or whether it is APM not picking up the correct data?

Any help would be appreciated.

Many thanks

In a previous life, the company I was at went to UD fields to store the
emails to drive APM. The one to one was more predictable.


Typically, you would setup the report to have the key email field, supplier contact, in the footer with a white font or other methods to hide it from showing on the printed version. APM would be setup to read that field and you can add logic to detect if it is missing and perform actions to remediate the missing email address. APM would be the best place to check for what is going wrong and review what field is being captured to send the email and then review the report to make sure that is the correct field.

We use Advanced Printing (which I believe is different than APM). There is a field


that holds the suppliers email.

Not sure of the exact logic, but I think it goes:

  1. Selected contact’s email
  2. If 1 is blank (or no contact selected), use the Vendors email
  3. If 2 is blank, return blank

Pretty sure it does not concatenate them.

I ended up using a Crystal formula similar to the one below for APM on a PO form.

if {VendCnt.EmailAddress} = ‘’
then {Vendor.EMailAddress} else {VendCnt.EmailAddress}

Depending on your database, you may need to play around with the VendCnt.EmailAddress condition check.
i.e. use the vendor email IF VendCnt.EmailAddress = empty string OR NULL.

Ref: POHeader to VendCnt
VendorNum → VendCnt.VendorNum
PurPoint → VendCnt.PurPoint
ConNum → VendCnt.ConNum

Ref: POHeader to Vendor
POHeader.VendorNum → Vendor.VendorNum

We have it working well here, but are running Epicor 10.1.500.10 and Doc-link 3.0.48. Which is using SSRS not Crystal. The logic in the SSRS report is populating the correct email address to be used on the form. I don’t know if that helps at all, but APM is using what is supplied on the report. In 10.1.500 the Primary Supplier contact is what is populated to the standard form without any modifications.

As James hinted at…

Does the APM use fields from the rendered report, or from the RDD data?

If its not from the rendered report, then any CR based calculation wont be present to the APM engine.

APM uses what is printed on the PO, so as long as the field prints and the mapping is good it works well.

You can use vb to validate or manipulate fields.

If InStr(PropertyValue, “@”) <> 0 Then
TextOut = PropertyValue
end if

The APM support people are very good and can help you with the mapping and destinations.


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I have this working for a client for emailing PO’s.
The key is that APM can only use what is rendered on the document, so if all the APM formulas are setup right, some common things to check:

  1. is the email field on the document within the margins?
  2. BIG ONE! Make sure the PO has a contact actually selected on the PO Header. This is something that still catches a few people today when they setup a new vendor they either forget to create a contact, or set a contact as primary or set a primary contact on each PP. The PO Header will automatically set the PO contact to the Supplier Primary Contact or the Supplier PP Primary Contact. With one client when they started to use APM they didn’t have any Supplier Contacts marked as Primary, so they had a lot of issues, but once a primary contact was set for each supplier and purchase point it works very well.
    Having said that, you can have APM setup different ways to find the email address, same for the Crystal Report, you can have formulas like those mentioned in this post to switch to another value if the PO does not have a contact specified.


Hi all

Coming back to my problem in August, I think I have found what the issue is. The database field name is VendCnt.EmailAddress, but this field is not available on the Crystal form, i.e. it is VendorCnt_EmailAddress.

Therefore could it be the Crystal Form that is incorrect?

Should I post again under Crystal rather than APM?

Many thanks