Supplier Price List - Price based on delivery site

Our suppliers have been moving to a Price by Delivery Location (area\region). We now have one supplier \ one part \ two prices. If they deliver to our location in the south we get one price. If they deliver to locations in the north we get a different price. We do not want to go to addl freight cost lines.
Has anyone looked at this before?
We do not use Purchase Points, but I do not see purchase points used in Supplier Price List.
I am thinking I look into DMT the POs, and all of the pricing is pulled from offline.

What kind of inventory costing do you do? If you are standard, this might create issues with variances.

We are multi-site using average costing.
Purchasing has not wanted to look into DMT, so they are manually entering POs. I just found out the costs vary.

Hi Scott,

We have a similar situation but have not automated it. However, we have used UD fields on the PartPlant record to provide comment to buyer reviewing purchasing suggestions for how to deal with the part / pricing. They look at their suggestions and if there’s a particular note on a suggestion, they change the unit price. The screenshot below shows the interface. I had difficulty working sugPOdtl with getting additional columns into the grid, so use a button to populate.

I know that there is the ability to have multiple Supplier price list records for a single part, even for the same supplier. To better automate this then we have, perhaps you could add ud field to the supplier price list record and note associated plant for parts that have this pricing characteristic and use a bpm to get the correct price in there.


@scott What tells you if the location is one or the other?
I do a bunch of manipulations on suggestions in POSugg.GetRowsPlant, so if you can tie the suggestion back to that determining factor you can change the price and add a note to the buyer that the price was fixed. I also set codes for what changes I made and then use a row rule to highlight the row based on what the routine did.

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Thank you all for the info.
In further discussions with Purchasing, they are mainly doing all of the work outside of Epicor. [The forecast volume is provided by customer. They see that it is easier to keep it ouside of the software-not my battle].
I am pushing to get them to look at DMT for the PO entry using their spreadsheets for all of the variables-who, what, where, how many, how much, and accessories. I finally figured this out over the weekend. (how long has that PO Combo been in DMT?)