Supplier/Vendor Language

Hello folks!

We are setting up a supplier/vendor we have that’s in India but speaks English.

As part of the Supplier entry screen, there’s a Language prompt. Since they are in India but speak English, then initial thought was to create a new Language entry for “English/India” …


… but we weren’t sure how diligent this needs to be. Is our initial assumption correct?

Is there any real significance in keeping it “English/United States” vs. “English/India” ?

Any thoughts? Thanks!

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I’m not sure about English/India but we have a lot of customers and supplier with either English/Canada or English/United States. The only impact we see is on the labels that print on Customer or Supplier facing documents such as AR Invoices or Purchase orders. Words like “Centre” The US English is ‘Center’ while in English/Canada it is ‘Centre’.

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You would have to purchase the language pack, but the one you are wanting is called “English (India)” Talk to your CAM about it, it’s super easy to install. Then when the language is assigned to a customer or a supplier all documents will be in that language.


I should also mention that although all the languages are listed it will only change the document if you purchase a given language pack. If you have not purchased English/India you will still get English/United States on the document even when picking another language.

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@Doug.C You beat me on the language pack. :grin:

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Awesome details, gents. Thanks! :+1:

IIRC, the India culture also formats numbers in the Indian Numbering System:

1,000,000 = 10,00,000
50,000,000 = 5,00,00,000

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@Mark_Wonsil good to know… Thx. :+1:

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