SVG-STK GL Account Selection

This might be a case of wanting to eat the cake and hitting a specific GL Account too, but here goes:

CFO wants to have SVG-STK transactions hit a dedicated GL Account. This GL Account is not the same one as the Part GL or the one from the CO’s COS and WIP GL Default Inventory account. Is there a way where I can specify this account to be used for all SVG-STK transactions? It would have been nice to have some functionality like Reason Codes do when making adjustments…

I am not comfortable enough to hardcode something from scratch in the posting rules, but maybe someone has done something like this and doesn’t mind sharing?



If the salvaged part is only sourced from salvage (as opposed to being purchased or mfg’d), you can set the GLC at the Part level, or even create a Part Class for all Salvaged parts.

From the Inventory Trans Hierarchy guide:

Unfortunately they are all stock parts… Maybe a BPM or something like that on a SVG-STK?

So the CFO wants 1 part to have some of its stock be part of the Inventory GL, and another part of it be in a special GL acct?

Like if you purchased the part the inventory GL gets debited. But if you get the part as salvage, a different GL acct gets debited. Even though there’s just one QOH value being tracked?

What you could do is make a phantom warehouse with a GLC to specify the inventory GL be the special one. Then any “receipt” of salvage would go to that phantom warehouse.

That is exactly what he wants, on a larger scale. It sounds like what you propose could work for us. Let me try…



I looks like I can only select the “Division” GLC on the Warehouse level… Is there a trick to add others?

If you don’t somehow separate the Qtys, how will the system ever know which GL to credit when stock is relieved?

It might be more straightforward to just make a separate P/N for the salvaged one. And make the new p/n be an alternate for the original.

Quick update: I found how to add different contexts to the Warehouse.

It isn’t feasible to create new parts for each salvaged part, so I tried alternate ways and ended up with changing the posting rule to hardcode the desired account number instead of the Standard Rule’s “Inventory Account” for the SVG-STK transaction.

Testing shows we get the desired results from the SVG-STK posting, although we still have to decide how to re-issue the salvaged parts to a different job and hit the “Salvage Inventory” account instead of the default Part Class GL. Only Part trumps that, but we don’t want to have to add Part GL’s on each of the salvaged parts.

Time to step on the brakes: suppose I figure out how to best control the return issue GL account; is there something that I can’t test for now, but could come back to bite us?

I can’t think of this particular change to a very specific transaction which is infrequently used being the cause of chaos in the end. However, am I giving Support the excuse to forever brush off any GL related issue or inquiry with “since you have changed the Standard Rules you now have to talk to a consultant”?

Any insights would be wonderful!
