Swagger not returning method list?

I am trying to play around with swagger, but in my environment, it’s not returning any method list.

I’m sure this is something I’m overlooking, but any idea?

Try using a… cough a real browser cough LMAO
all joking aside, give Chrome / FireFox a shot… IE… is … well… IE… This will likely not fix your issue… but still man you should only use IE to check your aol.com email address :blush:

and no @Chris_Conn… not Edge either lol


Wow thanks :slight_smile:
Let me try with Chrome and I’ll update

So here’s a weird thing, same address and same server with two different browsers, and one can see the help page while the other does not.

It doesn’t like your certificate… by the looks of it.

Hmm, dumb question but what should I do about that?

So your error in chrome is SPDY INNADEQUATE TRANSPORT SECURITY… Looks like your SSL on your cerver, particularly this certificate is using an old / black listed Cipher…
Who setup your server / ssl cert?

I did, which is why it’s not working well :sweat_smile:

are you using Windows Server 2008?
I’m surprised that you were able to use a black listed cipher…
What version is your Server?

We are using server 2016. I know we had run into some trouble early on with the SSL but everything Epicor is working just fine, minus the API

Best meme yet today::rofl:

ok… that’s odd… Server 2016 shouldn’t let you use an old Cipher Like that by default unless you specifically requested it.
Can you log into the server and take a screen shot of your SSL certificate setup within IIS?



Expand Sites, Default Website and Click on Bindings on the Right Side

Then click on your https binding and click edit
Which one is selected

The DEV01 SSL is assigned in my HTTPS binding for the Default Web Site

I recreated a new SSL and removed my application sever. I then re-created the application server through the admin console and assigned the new SSL to it and then registered the existing application. This is all well and fine and I’m able to get into the application with no trouble.
When I navigate to the site in IE, I get this page:

In Chrome, it’s still looking at the old SSL and I will mess with it later, but IE is concerning

what happens if you open just help page in postman? it should return html.
I don;t understand why XML is mentioned at all.

Not familiar with Postman, but when I do a Get on the same address, it says there is no response.

Something is screwy on your server… :thinking:

Indeed. Sounds like a task for Monday :smile:

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