Switching Servers

We also made a server change. The fastest quickest way to get up and running for us was to yank the old hard drive and drop it into the new server. I made the old drive the boot drive and was able to make measured changes in easy steps and not interfere with my users work. Down time was about an hour.

Shirley Graver
Sys Admin
Rubber Associates.
I would try to backup directories: /vantage/db, /vantage/ud, and
/vantage/userform. Do the normal install, and replace those directory
with the backup one. I did that successfuly on 3.0, not sure about 4.0

Cuong Nguyen

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Brian Valentine [SMTP:brianjvalentine@...]
> Sent: Wednesday, July 26, 2000 1:20 PM
> To: vantage@egroups.com
> Subject: [Vantage] Switching Servers
> We just converted from 3.0 to 4.0 a couple of weeks ago. Shortly we
> will be upgrading our Vantage server to a new box. What would be the
> best way to move everything to the new machine? Load 3, upgrade to 4,
> restore db from backup, etc...? The new box will totally replace the
> old one (same name, ip etc). Anybody done this? Thanks for any help.
> -Brian Valentine
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