System generated unfirm jobs w/o the MRP module. 5.00.335


This began happening to us after installing the 5.10.113 patch.
We have no answers, and I have not referred the issued to tech
support yet. We upgraded to 5.10 at the 107 patch level, and
each patch has introduced bugs of either the "very annoying"
or "critical" variety.

have fun,

> -----Original Message-----
> From: accelgrp [mailto:RobM@...]
> Sent: Tuesday, January 15, 2002 12:21 PM
> To:
> Subject: [Vantage] System generated unfirm jobs w/o the MRP
> module. 5.00.335
We do NOT have MRP module but recently, open jobs have been showing
up for one part number. The jobs appear to be system generated as
they are marked unfirm. We have compared all settings for the part to
other parts in the system and can find no differences. The Process
MRP IS checked on the part, but it is checked for other parts as well.

What would tell Vantage to generate jobs for this one part but not
the others?

Why would an unfirm job be created as opposed to just generating a
manufacturing suggestion?

• Rob McFarlin, Controller
• Accel Group, Inc.
325 Quadral Dr.
Wadsworth, OH 44281
• (330)336-0317 x114
• FAX(330)336-1224
• RobM@...