System Monitor Configuration

Does anyone know how these settings actually work?

I read the Epicor Help documentation, but it is confusing - mainly because I cannot seem to grasp whether the times (in ms) are durations or rates. E.g. does the 3000ms Priority time mean that it is polling the server ever 3 seconds, or that it polls every… 500ms? 1s?.. for the first 3 seconds you run a report?

I meant to add and forgot: the main reason I’m asking is that some users have complained that sometimes a report they are previewing pops right up, and other times it takes “a long time” (whatever that means - the exact language was something to do with they could possibly retire before the report comes up). I was wondering if this Sys Mon configuration couldn’t be or needs to be adjusted.

Seeing similar issue… sometimes reports display in times expected, other times take an extra 30 seconds or more over normal time to display. his is for all users, SSRS or Crystal.
We’re still working with Epicor to find a solution.

It means that within the first 15 seconds, it polls every 3 seconds. After the first 15 seconds, it will then poll every 30 seconds. Below is another clarification.

So in the default case, for the 1st 15,000 milliseconds after submitting a job, the client checks every 3,000 milliseconds to see if the job is ready. After the initial priority period, it will then check every
30,000 milliseconds.
Given the job might not be started for the first 10 seconds and that the priority period expires after 15 seconds, if the job doesn’t complete in
5 seconds it will be another 30 seconds before the client checks again.
The answer to this is to increase the Duration of the priority period.
Experience shows that increasing the Duration to 30,000 in conjunction with reducing the Processing Delay above can have a dramatic effect on improving the overall time for prints to complete.

The EpicWeb Answerbook with all of the details is 1441BRK. It was for E9, so I don’t know how much applies to 10.

We got better results by changing the last parameter to 30,000 per the guide.

Normal: how often the client checks for a completed job
Priority: how often the client checks for a completed job in Priority mode
Duration: how long Priority lasts.

Job submission starts priority mode for the duration ( 15 seconds ) of priority mode.

So if a job finished in 16 seconds, it will be another 30ish before it checks for a completed job again.

If you move to the 30 seconds of priority then a 31 second job would be a 1ish minute job.


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Awesome, thanks for the answer Greg. Okay, this made me think of another question: that dialog I opened up on my local client. Is there a way to change it for everyone, or is a per-client setting? How did you guys roll out your change?

It is in the user tab of the default.mfgsys. I did it in 2013, so these are the approx. steps. There is a document I went by, that I will try and find. Basically I changed the version to 9.05.702a and made a new file. Epicor check that when opening and the new config went to everyone. Some who had added their logins were not that happy.


That explains why everything that ran over a certain time would then jump in increments of 30…

I boosted Duration to 30000 this afternoon - that has helped some.
But I think we really need to go thru a performance tuning project before we improve overall times.