Someone was looking for future dated part transaction and decided to run Inventory WIP Recon with an Ending Date of 12/31/5999. And didn’t realize that the PE Logging was enabled for COSandWIP.
After 30 minutes they take a peek at the PE log file and see that it’s only up to1/20/2049 - processing about 6 dates per second.
Doing some quick math, they realize it will take over 58 hours to run to the end date of 12/31/5999.
Selecting the active task in System Monitor and deleting it, only seems to make it start over.
Hmm… don’t recall, sorry… I usually just restart the service cause it’s easy and I don’t have that much traffic through the agent at any given moment (as long as MRP isn’t running that is…)
ok, I got in there to take a look and I think that my method only works if they are not ACTIVE and being processed by the Agent. My users have a tendency to queue up the same thing 30 times before the call me, so I delete them all and restart the service because they do not disappear from the queue when the Agent is ‘stuck’ or locked up.
And I did a quick test. I start MRP ( a 10 minute-ish process for us in the Test database), let it go to Active status, then highlight it and click the Delete X. It immediately stopped and moved to History with a Cancelled flag.
Now I’m wondering why yours does not respond similarly (as expected). SO I ran the WIP Recon with an End Date of 12/31/2021, let it go Active, then tried to delete it.
Strange behavior - it would not cancel/delete immediately. I highlighted/deleted three times and then it finally flickered at me and moved to History as Cancelled. BUT THEN - the report opened in the PDF viewer. It seems that this report needs to finish or something…