The New Look of EpicCare 3.0?

EpicCare has a new looks.
But some of the same issues, just a new font.

Just went in to the new EpicCare and the new navigation is okay, but they still have the issue with the lists of Environments and Modules.

It should be pretty simple for Techsupport to enter in four standard names of environment followed by some custom ones for on prem users.
As a cloud customer you have
Live, Pilot, Education and Third.
At Insights I stopped by a few years ago and ask this to be fixed.
I asked for the four simple words from above, but they couldn’t do it.

I want to be able to select the modules that I own.
I get that it is easier to show all modules, but do they need to be listed twice?
I would think they would have access to a list of the licenses that are owned, and trim the list only those modules.

Hopefully someone from Epicor Tech Support will read this and look into making the information better not just the user interface.

Based on their survey form - I don’t think they want too many comments however.

They may have just done this instead.


Yeah, not impressed at first glance. Getting reminders for messages I’ve already read…yesterday.

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It’s still a pain to find open cases and be able to respond to them. It defaults to the home page if the support person changes the status to waiting on “customer” response but otherwise, finding all the items is goofy. It’s still the same issues. I’m also still frustrated that spell check works but won’t let you right click on the word to update.


Agreed…seems like a fresh coat of paint but the same cracks in the drywall underneath…

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I’d take a function over form update too. It’s the second(?) round of polishing the same UX. New friction to relearn how to get to the same experience.

At least I’m not getting redirected to when I log in now!

Try holding down shift when you right click on the word, that should override whatever context menu they are trying to cram down your throat

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Heh never mind now I get re-redirected to what appears to be a login for the same end point. There’s a prominent “if you’re a customer maybe you want to log in over here” link, so it looks like someone noticed and gave their security some attention.