Time Phase BAQ

We’re looking to build a Time Phase-like report in Vantage. I’ve looked to see if there was a base report but cannot find one. Can anyone point me in the right direction of either obtaining a BAQ report for Time Phase or creating one that would show when parts would be BelowZero?


Under Material Management/Inventory Management/Reports

Yes, but we want to customize the report. Is there a BAQ in Epicor for this or was this something that is not customizable?

You can customize it. If it is missing data you need, you can copy and edit the RDD. If you just need to change the report that is output, you can create a new Report Style and edit the Crystal report.

I’m not seeing where the RDD is located. This is what I see under Menu Maintenance -


I don’t see anything listed under Report Definitions for the report.

The RDD is under System Management/Company Maintenance

This, correct?

I don’t see an RDD for Time Phase in there.

Sorry, I am not very proficient in Vantage. I always forget that they created custom dlls for some reports. This is one of those reports. Sorry I can’t be more help.

No worries. They did a lot of weird things in Vantage. I wish I could get us off of this version but it’s not in the budget yet. And, the opinion is if it works, it works.

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Most of what you see in Time Phase exists in the PartDtl table. You can build a BAQ Report off of that if you like.