Tip of the day

epicor version 9.05.701

is there a way to ensure that this always populates on the client machine?
If used properly its a great way of getting information across to the users…but i believe they can prevent it from popping up when epicor starts…


lol at tip 252.

somebody has been adding a few “custom” tips!

Tip 257:


We seriously may make our own t-shirts with that haha

Looks like this is only controlled at client level under the Help/Tip of the day where it can be ticked /unticked to be shown at startup.

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That’s pretty hilarious! :slight_smile: Not sure if others would find this handy but it would be nice if you could broadcast a message from the Admin Console to all Users logged into Epicor like you can in Citrix. I’ve sent messages to our Users through Citrix but of course it doesn’t send to those logged in to Epicor from their PCs. I can see where that would be useful to us.

They’ve added this capability in 10.2.300 BUT only for the Cloud Admins and not the local admins. It would be nice for local admins as well.

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