Trying to create a simple BAQ that shows total invoices by Product Group.
So the problem is:
- If I sum on InvcHead.InvoiceAmt the total is wrong because of the one to many relationship between InvcHead and InvcDtl.(I need InvcDtl.ProdCode to get the Product Group.)
- I have tried summing on InvcDtl.ExtPrice + InvcDtl.TotalMiscChrg but the total is off < $1000.00 on + $350,000.00 in invoices.
In round numbers:
Inv Total = $3500000
Total from #1 above = $480000
Total from #2 above = $348500
Is there some relationship I am unaware of? Is my Invoice calculation on values in InvDtl wrong?
Any help would be appreciated.