Hello everyone,
We are attempting to use the transfer balances functionality from 2020 to 2021. Whenever we bring up the page it shows 2020 to 2022. Shouldn’t it show 2021 instead?
We do have fiscal calenders created through 2022, if that possible is the cause?
ANy insights appreciated. Thanks!

If you leave the default for “Transfer” to “Individual”, then change Previous to Current, that should change your From & To years.
You can do what Sarah said, or you can delete the 2022 fiscal year setup and then the Previous to Current should show 2020 to 2021. From what I have seen it uses the highest fiscal year as the To Fiscal Year.
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Hi Sarah, Thanks for replying.
I did try that but it still left the 2022 in there.
Thanks Joseph, we will give this a shot and let you know.
Hi Joseph,
Thanks for the help. Do you know if this process somehow runs on its own or gets kicked off by the system automatically somehow?
I noticed when reviewing that the balances were already moved, and wondering how that happened. Strange.
Hi Pete,
Check the setting in Book Maintenance under the Future Opening Balances dropdown.
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Hi Todd, Thanks for replying. That was it - Thanks so much!
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