UBAQ Error: Update of Order release not allowed

I am new to making updateable BAQ’s. I am trying to create what I thought would be a real simple updatable BAQ. My end result was to be able to update the Firm Release check box in a open sales order through the order release table “OrderRel”

I selected 4 fields; Company, OrderNum, Orderline, OrderRelNum, FirmRelease.

In update processing I selected BOM Update and selected the only table available; OrderRel

In the Table Criteria of the BAQ I made the order number constant so not to overrun my BAQ search.

I pulled up the order number through get list. I selected the line item I wanted to change and unchecked the Firm Release box. I hit OK and the line item turned yellow as I expected it to do. I the selected update and it returned with this message;

Severity: Exception, Table: OrderRel, Field: , RowID: c8b18b09-a9d7-4d60-b949-6a7fe04335ea, Text: Update of Order Release not allowed.
Query returned 1 row(s).

My question are there tables such as order release that are not able to be updated through the BAQ process or am I missing something?

Generally speaking, changes to Jobs and orders should be done with the right BOs and methods. This ensures that all the Epicmagic happens in the background. To figure out how to replicate this, you need to first understand what BOs and Methods are needed to make the change.

Turn on trace logging and change the firm release manually. Save the record and then turn off tracing. Use Jose’s trace parser to find out which BOs and methods are fired, and what data is sent to the methods. Trace Helper Utility for Epicor ERP 10 - ERP 10 - Epicor User Help Forum (epiusers.help)

Once you have that information, then you can begin creating the BPM that will duplicate these BOs and methods. Create your UBAQ, and switch to Advanced BPM Update Only. This will allow you to create a new method. Inside the method you will add the BO widgets to call the correct methods.

None of this is trivial, but it is all doable. Good luck to you! Return with your questions and I am sure the fine folks here can help you along.

A rule of thumb is, if you can do it in the DMT, you can do it in a uBAQ.

Plenty of exceptions to that, but I find it to be true.

Also, just because the field is in the DMT template list, that doesn’t mean it can be updated. Some are there for DMT downloads, I guess.

So I’m saying just see if you can do this FirmRelease update via DMT (like actually try it) and then I would expect that there should be an equally clear path for a uBAQ.

DMTs can be traced, too, FYI.

In your UBAQ you need to include all parent and child tables.
So in this case. OrderHed, OrderDtl, OrderRel
Then you need to display key fields for each of the tables
OrderHed: Company, OrderNum
OrderDtl: Company, OrderNum, OrderLine
OrderRel: Company, OrderNum, OrderLine, OrderRelNum
And include any other fields you want, in this example, OrderRel_FirmRelease .

In Update > General Properties check FirmRelease to update.
In Update > Update Processing select BO Erp.SalesOrder
You will see in the Tables to update that all parent and child tables are checked.
Test it out and see if you can update.

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Hi Doug,

I have created an updatable dashboard on order release data and it works. I used the UD fields however. Here’s my setup, I’d think yours should be very similar except you provide firmrelease instead of my ud fields for update. You do need to have the orderhed, orderdtl and orderrel indexes in there for it to work, per use of UpdateExt on Sales Order. Perhaps these graphics will help you out, if it is feasible.


Thanks when I indexed the 3 tables it worked.