UD01 Entry Form

I don't have any code at all. I simply customized the form. I use 3 of the key fields and one other field. I can enter a new record and it works fine. After I've entered one record, if I click "New" It just says "Getting New..." on the status bar and nothing else happens.

--- In vantage@yahoogroups.com, "mmcwilliams22" <mmcwilliams22@...> wrote:
> Are you trying to assign key1 somehow or do you have otrans.update() somewhere in your code?
> I was having that problem trying to populate fields automatically and then using otrans.update()
> Someone from the group gave the answer. I needed to use:
> UD01.dataView(UD01.Row).BeginEdit
> '//populate field data here
> UD01.dataView(UD01.Row).EndEdit
> otrans.update()
> --- In vantage@yahoogroups.com, Steven Gotschall <sgotschall@> wrote:
> >
> > You said the system keeps putting a blank record in the database, but the system never touches a UD table outside of the UD form or a customization. So I assume what you mean is that someone is saving the form without filling out the required key fields. I get around this with a BPM (UDXX.Update) where the condition checks the key fields you wish to make mandatory for blank or null values and the action is to raise and exception.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > ________________________________
> > From: m_sprowles <msprowles@>
> > To: vantage@yahoogroups.com
> > Sent: Tuesday, August 25, 2009 9:49:49 AM
> > Subject: [Vantage] Re: UD01 Entry Form
> >
> > Â
> > My problem seems to be that the system keeps putting a blank record in the database. This record has all null values for the keys. When I try to create a new record, (which of course has null key values because its new) the system says its a duplicate. How can I keep it from saving a null record?
> >
> > --- In vantage@yahoogroups .com, Steven Gotschall <sgotschall@ ...> wrote:
> > >
> > > All UD tables have 5 unique key records, key1-key5. For each record, the combination of these key fields must be unique. If you create a new record and don't fill out at least one of these key fields, and then try to create another new record, you will get this message since a record with the key fields all blank already exists.
> > >
> > > The order in which these key fields are filled out is also important because after the last one is filled out, the record is saved and none of the key fields can then be altered. I'm going from memory here, but I remember struggling with this myself.
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > ____________ _________ _________ __
> > > From: m_sprowles <msprowles@ ..>
> > > To: vantage@yahoogroups .com
> > > Sent: Monday, August 24, 2009 11:16:20 AM
> > > Subject: [Vantage] UD01 Entry Form
> > >
> > > Â
> > > I have used the UD01 table and form to create a system for keeping forecast information which will be used for various things. I have customized the UD01 entry form to allow them to enter the data but its not functioning properly. If they enter a new record, and then try to enter a second new record, instead of creating a new blank record for them to enter data, it says "This is a duplicate entry of an existing record." and will not let them enter any more data until they close the form and reopen it. Is this a bug or did I do something wrong when I set up the form? We are running 8.03.407B.
> > >
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I have used the UD01 table and form to create a system for keeping forecast information which will be used for various things. I have customized the UD01 entry form to allow them to enter the data but its not functioning properly. If they enter a new record, and then try to enter a second new record, instead of creating a new blank record for them to enter data, it says "This is a duplicate entry of an existing record." and will not let them enter any more data until they close the form and reopen it. Is this a bug or did I do something wrong when I set up the form? We are running 8.03.407B.
All UD tables have 5 unique key records, key1-key5. For each record, the combination of these key fields must be unique. If you create a new record and don't fill out at least one of these key fields, and then try to create another new record, you will get this message since a record with the key fields all blank already exists.

The order in which these key fields are filled out is also important because after the last one is filled out, the record is saved and none of the key fields can then be altered. I'm going from memory here, but I remember struggling with this myself.

From: m_sprowles <msprowles@...>
To: vantage@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Monday, August 24, 2009 11:16:20 AM
Subject: [Vantage] UD01 Entry Form

I have used the UD01 table and form to create a system for keeping forecast information which will be used for various things. I have customized the UD01 entry form to allow them to enter the data but its not functioning properly. If they enter a new record, and then try to enter a second new record, instead of creating a new blank record for them to enter data, it says "This is a duplicate entry of an existing record." and will not let them enter any more data until they close the form and reopen it. Is this a bug or did I do something wrong when I set up the form? We are running 8.03.407B.

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My problem seems to be that the system keeps putting a blank record in the database. This record has all null values for the keys. When I try to create a new record, (which of course has null key values because its new) the system says its a duplicate. How can I keep it from saving a null record?

--- In vantage@yahoogroups.com, Steven Gotschall <sgotschall@...> wrote:
> All UD tables have 5 unique key records, key1-key5. For each record, the combination of these key fields must be unique. If you create a new record and don't fill out at least one of these key fields, and then try to create another new record, you will get this message since a record with the key fields all blank already exists.
> The order in which these key fields are filled out is also important because after the last one is filled out, the record is saved and none of the key fields can then be altered. I'm going from memory here, but I remember struggling with this myself.
> ________________________________
> From: m_sprowles <msprowles@...>
> To: vantage@yahoogroups.com
> Sent: Monday, August 24, 2009 11:16:20 AM
> Subject: [Vantage] UD01 Entry Form
> Â
> I have used the UD01 table and form to create a system for keeping forecast information which will be used for various things. I have customized the UD01 entry form to allow them to enter the data but its not functioning properly. If they enter a new record, and then try to enter a second new record, instead of creating a new blank record for them to enter data, it says "This is a duplicate entry of an existing record." and will not let them enter any more data until they close the form and reopen it. Is this a bug or did I do something wrong when I set up the form? We are running 8.03.407B.
> __._,_..___
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You said the system keeps putting a blank record in the database, but the system never touches a UD table outside of the UD form or a customization. So I assume what you mean is that someone is saving the form without filling out the required key fields. I get around this with a BPM (UDXX.Update) where the condition checks the key fields you wish to make mandatory for blank or null values and the action is to raise and exception.

From: m_sprowles <msprowles@...>
To: vantage@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Tuesday, August 25, 2009 9:49:49 AM
Subject: [Vantage] Re: UD01 Entry Form

My problem seems to be that the system keeps putting a blank record in the database. This record has all null values for the keys. When I try to create a new record, (which of course has null key values because its new) the system says its a duplicate. How can I keep it from saving a null record?

--- In vantage@yahoogroups .com, Steven Gotschall <sgotschall@ ...> wrote:
> All UD tables have 5 unique key records, key1-key5. For each record, the combination of these key fields must be unique. If you create a new record and don't fill out at least one of these key fields, and then try to create another new record, you will get this message since a record with the key fields all blank already exists.
> The order in which these key fields are filled out is also important because after the last one is filled out, the record is saved and none of the key fields can then be altered. I'm going from memory here, but I remember struggling with this myself.
> ____________ _________ _________ __
> From: m_sprowles <msprowles@. ..>
> To: vantage@yahoogroups .com
> Sent: Monday, August 24, 2009 11:16:20 AM
> Subject: [Vantage] UD01 Entry Form
> Â
> I have used the UD01 table and form to create a system for keeping forecast information which will be used for various things. I have customized the UD01 entry form to allow them to enter the data but its not functioning properly. If they enter a new record, and then try to enter a second new record, instead of creating a new blank record for them to enter data, it says "This is a duplicate entry of an existing record." and will not let them enter any more data until they close the form and reopen it. Is this a bug or did I do something wrong when I set up the form? We are running 8.03.407B.
> __._,_..___
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Are you trying to assign key1 somehow or do you have otrans.update() somewhere in your code?
I was having that problem trying to populate fields automatically and then using otrans.update()
Someone from the group gave the answer. I needed to use:

'//populate field data here

--- In vantage@yahoogroups.com, Steven Gotschall <sgotschall@...> wrote:
> You said the system keeps putting a blank record in the database, but the system never touches a UD table outside of the UD form or a customization. So I assume what you mean is that someone is saving the form without filling out the required key fields. I get around this with a BPM (UDXX.Update) where the condition checks the key fields you wish to make mandatory for blank or null values and the action is to raise and exception.
> ________________________________
> From: m_sprowles <msprowles@...>
> To: vantage@yahoogroups.com
> Sent: Tuesday, August 25, 2009 9:49:49 AM
> Subject: [Vantage] Re: UD01 Entry Form
> Â
> My problem seems to be that the system keeps putting a blank record in the database. This record has all null values for the keys. When I try to create a new record, (which of course has null key values because its new) the system says its a duplicate. How can I keep it from saving a null record?
> --- In vantage@yahoogroups .com, Steven Gotschall <sgotschall@ ...> wrote:
> >
> > All UD tables have 5 unique key records, key1-key5. For each record, the combination of these key fields must be unique. If you create a new record and don't fill out at least one of these key fields, and then try to create another new record, you will get this message since a record with the key fields all blank already exists.
> >
> > The order in which these key fields are filled out is also important because after the last one is filled out, the record is saved and none of the key fields can then be altered. I'm going from memory here, but I remember struggling with this myself.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > ____________ _________ _________ __
> > From: m_sprowles <msprowles@ ..>
> > To: vantage@yahoogroups .com
> > Sent: Monday, August 24, 2009 11:16:20 AM
> > Subject: [Vantage] UD01 Entry Form
> >
> > Â
> > I have used the UD01 table and form to create a system for keeping forecast information which will be used for various things. I have customized the UD01 entry form to allow them to enter the data but its not functioning properly. If they enter a new record, and then try to enter a second new record, instead of creating a new blank record for them to enter data, it says "This is a duplicate entry of an existing record." and will not let them enter any more data until they close the form and reopen it. Is this a bug or did I do something wrong when I set up the form? We are running 8.03.407B.
> >
> >
> > __._,_..___
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