Does anyone know if I’m actually missing an assembly or is there something else I need to instantiate?
I’m setting up Visual Studio tests to instantiate an ErpContext object and run through some code that adds/updates quote details. However, I keep getting the error "Unable to find assembly for contract “Erp.Contracts.QuoteSvcContract” after attempting to create a quote service (shown below):
New to Epicor and C#, but I’m going to take a stab at answering this (bear with me please).
It is possible to search for an adapter or assembly in customization mode by going to tools > assembly references > add custom reference – and then searching for the assembly you’re looking for in the Epicor folder. I just did a search on my PC and did not find that reference. Not sure exactly what you’re going to use this code to do, but it might be possible to add or update a quote detail by referencing an adapter. These can be found in customization mode under tools > object explorer > adapters.
I’m not sure how/what Epicor is doing when they instantiate the Db object, but I’ve always received the same error message when trying to instantiate my own Db context. However, if the Db context is passed into your code from Epicor, it works fine.
As an alternative, I was able to get a proxy object to work in the similar way…
Ice.Core.Session session = new Ice.Core.Session(userID, password, Ice.Core.Session.LicenseType.EnterpriseProcessing, @“C:\Epicor\DevTech\Client\config\DevEnvironment.sysconfig”);
Erp.Proxy.BO.SalesOrderImpl order = Ice.Lib.Framework.WCFServiceSupport.CreateImpl<Erp.Proxy.BO.SalesOrderImpl>(session, Erp.Proxy.BO.SalesOrderImpl.UriPath);
The only reason I didn’t want to go that way, is because I need to pass in to my function a TableSet not a DataSet. Short of instantiating a TableSet and filling it in, do you know of anyway to convert a Dataset in to a TableSet?
So essentially, what i need to do is convert the Erp.BO.SalesOrderDataSet to Erp.TableSets.SalesOrderTableset (if it is possible). I have read that there is a helper class that can do the conversion in the Epicor.ServiceModel but i cant find it.
Sorry, I should have explained myself more.
ProcessJobActions is a custom function in an external DLL that I am writing.
I am creating a BPM to automatically create jobs (under various criteria) when MasterUpdate is triggered in Order Entry. The method above is using the same method signature as MasterUpdate which takes in as a parameter Erp.TableSets.SalesOrderTableset.