Unable To Open A Deployed Dashboard - Epicor

I created a menu for a deployed dashboard. When I click on it, I get this error: “Object reference not set to an instance of an object” .

I tried to clear the client cache from the settings (and from ProgramData\Epicor) but that did not help. I also tried to completely delete the dashboard and re-install it. Any ideas on how to solve that problem?

That would depend on what the error is.

It errors first on the method “registerEvents”. The message is “Object reference not set to an instance of an object”. The second error is “Cannot access this menu item … Object reference not set to an instance of an object”.

Just to make the issue clear, there are no problems with the dashboard itself; I can run it in a test mode and I can also open it from the webaccess link.

What does the menu item record look like? Did you go to actions and deploy dashboard in the dashboard screen?

Yes I did deploy the dashboard from the Dashboard Maintenance.

I checked the Ice.Menu table and I confirm that the menu is listed in the result list.

Provide a screenshot of the menu item por favor.

Order Sequence 12

? i’m not sure what the view is but what does the actual menu maintenance screen look like for that item

if you launch the deployment test from the dashboard screen any errors there? Is there any tracker customization in the dashboard? Have you cleared personalizations for yourself?

No errors from the deployment test. The dashboard works fine. It also works fine if I deploy the Web access.

That dashboard does not have a customization attached to it. Just a basic baq.

The parent menu with ID AC has nothing special about it?

Security of the menu item and its parents all checkout?

Nothing special about the parent menu id. The security is set to the default one “SEC000”.

The dashboard’s menu was working before. It started erroring all of the sudden.

Normally when I get this error that means the menu is unable to locate the dashboard’s dll and it just needs to be deployed or the client cache needs to be cleaned up. This time it did not work.

I’ve had issues redeploying dashboards, only to find out the re-deployed one ended up with a suffix like “_1” at the end.


Thanks. Let me try that.

A post further down that thread is …

I recall that post but I assume that things got changed since then.

Apparently, in Epicor10.2 the dlls are not renamed anymore with a _1 _2 …, they are directly replaced.

I also tried to manually clear cache and redeploy the dashboard but without any success …

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We’ve run into similar issues in the past and the only solution was to make a copy of the dashboard with a new name (ie, UnpostedDemandsV2). It can be a bit painful when you have a customization tied to the old dashboard but thankfully you don’t :sweat_smile:

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Changing the dashboard name bothers me but at least making a copy is a working solution. However, this issue will comeback as soon as you modify the dashboard again.

does deleting the original then copying the copy back to the original name work?