When I add an EpiCombo control to my screen using the toolbox and set the properties to link UDCodes as the datasource, I am able to see accurate data in that control. However, when I create an EpiCombo object in my C# code and try to do the same thing, the EpiCombo object does not seem to have any data (objEpiCombo.Rows.Count is 0).
Here’s what I am trying to accomplish. I have a custom field in the RMADtl_UD table, and I want to bind that field to UDCodes table. So, after creating this custom field (MyCustomField_c), I set the Extended Properties to point to UDCodes (the way it is mentioned in several posts related to this topic) and wrote my customization code. Here is my C# code -
objEpiCombo.EpiBinding = “RMADtl.MyCustomField_c”;
objEpiCombo.EpiBOName = “Ice:BO:UserCodes”;
objEpiCombo.EpiTableName = “UDCodes”;
objEpiCombo.DisplayMember = “CodeDesc”;
objEpiCombo.ValueMember = “CodeID”;
objEpiCombo.EpiDataSetMode = DataSetMode.RowsDataSet;
objEpiCombo.RetrieveOnActivate = true;
objEpiCombo.SearchFilter = “CodeTypeID=‘RMACustomField’”;
Eventually, my goal is to add this EpiCombo to the EpiUltraGrid on the screen, but the EpiCombo object itself is not getting populated with any data. I am not sure what Isteps am missing. Can someone please help?
Thank you in advance!