"Unhandled Exception has occurred" In MES

Has anyone else faced this error when opening MES or Epicor? If so we’ve just been clicking Continue expecting that it is just a memory error, and that it still works even after clicking Continue, but it keeps comming up when one of our user launches MES.

What do the details say?

I haven’t been able to get that yet, this was sent to me while I was on vacation, and my co-worker who took this photo didn’t press details. I was told this is reoccuring, but when I went to the PC with this error today it’s not popping up, I will try to get the details tab, but I haven’t had the chance to yet.

It reoccured again, and I have more context now. My Co-workers computer restarted, and he talked about how it happens when he turns on his pc. So it appears after a shut down is when this error occurs, and below are the photos I took of the details tab, but I was unable to increase the window size of the Error prompt so it’s in multiple screen shots.

I’ve seen that before but I don’t remember if I fixed it or it just went away.

You can probably disable that altogether with featureflag but I am uncertain.

Here is a post by @hkeric.wci that may lead you there:

Maybe @hkeric.wci can shed some light on it.

Thank you for the help, and the lead.

When you open up the System Monitor, see what happens when you click on this.

The only thing I can think of is some cloud setting issue, or the computer is offline and when it cant reach https://erpapimanagementservice.azure-api.net/api it has trouble handling the Connection Refused.