Unit price sales price increase

Are you on progress database or SQL database?

----- Original Message ----
From: hunt.dwayne <dwayne@...>
To: vantage@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Friday, May 2, 2008 2:02:05 PM
Subject: [Vantage] unit price sales price increase

Does anyone know a way to mass update unit prices? I can download the
part table through crystal to an excel file and update prices, but
there is not a list view to update prices back into Vantage. We are
using 8.03.

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[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Does anyone know a way to mass update unit prices? I can download the
part table through crystal to an excel file and update prices, but
there is not a list view to update prices back into Vantage. We are
using 8.03.
Let me now if you find one...


Andrew Best

From: vantage@yahoogroups.com [mailto:vantage@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf
Of hunt.dwayne
Sent: Friday, May 02, 2008 2:02 PM
To: vantage@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [Vantage] unit price sales price increase

Does anyone know a way to mass update unit prices? I can download the
part table through crystal to an excel file and update prices, but
there is not a list view to update prices back into Vantage. We are
using 8.03.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
We were advised prior to going live not to use the unit price field in
inventory for this reason. They advised us of using the price list
feature, which would allow you to increase prices via spreadsheet and
import them back in.

You can have Epicor do a field update and they will charge you a fee.
That would be the only way of updating what you already have. If you do
decide to go the pricebook route, you may want to have them zero that
field out anyway's.

Since you already have the part numbers and prices on a spreadsheet,
making a price book would be fairly easy. Just remember that you have
to go to each customer and assign them the pricebook or you'll be
fighting have to do a pull-down on the pricebook every time you enter a
salesorder or quote.

Toby Rutter

--- In vantage@yahoogroups.com, "hunt.dwayne" <dwayne@...> wrote:
> Does anyone know a way to mass update unit prices? I can download the
> part table through crystal to an excel file and update prices, but
> there is not a list view to update prices back into Vantage. We are
> using 8.03.
> Does anyone know a way to mass update unit prices? I can download the
> part table through crystal to an excel file and update prices, but
> there is not a list view to update prices back into Vantage. We are
> using 8.03.

I've written a VB.Net program that accesses the Business Objects that you
could both use as a starting point. I guess that ServiceConnect is another

Mark W.
When we puchased Vantage we were told that Vantage handles price
increases quite simple, although when we went to do it we were told
otherwise. There is nothing in Vantage out of the box that allows
you to mass change prices, however you have three options to do this.

Option 1
You can get in touch with custom programming, wait 6 months for
them to test and compile a procedure that won't work then get
frustrated and decide it would have gotten done sooner and cost a lot
less if you did it yourselves and move on to Option 2 or 3.

Option 2
Purchase the full version of Service Connect and create a workflow
to export out your prices, change them, and then re-import the new

Option 3
You can create a Progress program to handle the increase in prices.

We just went through a price increase ourselves and we chose Option
3. I wrote a Progress program to go through all of our Pricing
Programs and base prices then by product group I increased the prices
by a predetermined percentage. After figuring out what all tables
would be affected by an increase it really wasn't too hard to create
the program and do the increase.

To make things more difficult we only wanted certain customers to get
the increase so I had to exclude their pricing programs from the
increase so some customers did not get the increase. If you would
like I can share the code I have with you. We are on Vantage
8.03.403C with a Progress Database. Hope this helps.

Robert Nupp
Information Systems Coordinator
If you have service connect that would be your easiest and best
option. Without it, there is VB.net or even other programming
options using an ODBC connection. I have used VB 6.0 in the past
with great success. That was before I purchased service connect.

--- In vantage@yahoogroups.com, "Mark Wonsil" <mark_wonsil@...> wrote:
> > Does anyone know a way to mass update unit prices? I can download
> > part table through crystal to an excel file and update prices, but
> > there is not a list view to update prices back into Vantage. We
> > using 8.03.
> I've written a VB.Net program that accesses the Business Objects
that you
> could both use as a starting point. I guess that ServiceConnect is
> option.
> Mark W.
Just a word of caution on the use of Price Lists, they do not apply to
the Field Service Module. Materials used on Service Calls are billed-
out at Part Unit Price.

For price updating, you can also use a Windows scripting tool, such as
AutoIT, to load your new prices from a spreadsheet. The process is a
little slow if you have thousands of parts but it will work.

There is a new feature suggestion (for Part Unit Price importing)
pending with Epicor that you can add your name to (if you haven't
already, the helpline can assist you with this.

Peter Dunbar
Halm Industries Co., Inc.