Update Error

Good morning folks i am working on a customization to create container lines from a UD form everything works great for 1 line but when i have to create more than one line the method below fails on the Update method saying invalid released. I even hard coded the value of the release with 1 since we only have 1 release in all our PO’s and still got the same error. Any suggestions?

public ContainerTrackingImpl boContainer
get { return WCFServiceSupport.CreateImpl(oTrans.CoreSession, ImplBase.UriPath); }

public void CreateCLCLines(int ponum, int poline,int porel,decimal shipqty,string container,int containerID)
//changing base on tracing options
ContainerTrackingDataSet dsContainer = new ContainerTrackingDataSet();
dsContainer = boContainer.GetByID(containerID);
boContainer.GetNewContainerDetail(dsContainer, containerID, ponum, poline);
dsContainer.Tables[“ContainerDetail”].Rows[0][“PONum”] = ponum;
dsContainer.Tables[“ContainerDetail”].Rows[0][“POLine”] = poline;
dsContainer.Tables[“ContainerDetail”].Rows[0][“PORelNum”] = porel;
dsContainer.Tables[“ContainerDetail”].Rows[0][“ShipQtyUOm”] = “EA”;
dsContainer.Tables[“ContainerDetail”].Rows[0][“ArrivedQtyUOM”] = “EA”;
dsContainer.Tables[“ContainerDetail”].Rows[0][“ReceivedQtyUOM”] = “EA”;
dsContainer.Tables[“ContainerDetail”].Rows[0][“ContainerShipQty”] = shipqty;
dsContainer.Tables[“ContainerDetail”].Rows[0][“ContainerLineRef”] = container;
dsContainer.Tables[“ContainerDetail”].Rows[0][“RowMod”] = “A”;
