Update order detail UD field

I am struggling with updating a UD field on the OrderDtl table with Method directive. I am sure that I am missing something very simple, but just can’t figure out what.
I have a pre-processing directive on SalesOrder.MasterUpdate. If I just set the field with no condition the process works.

As soon as I add a condition to this method the box is no longer populated. It almost seems that the ttOrderDtl is not available.

The directive is supposed to check a UD box on the orderdtl based off of a misc code.

Any suggestions?

What is the condition?

Sorry, may be kind of hard to see in the screen shot. The condition is
The ttOrderMisc.MiscCode field of the changed row is equal to “740” condition

Have you tried changing the condition to “the added row” instead of the the changed row?

You may need to get a little fancier if you want to update an OrderDtl record when the OrderMsc record is added/updated. In this case, I would probably write code to make my life easier, but if that is not possible, you will need to enable a Post Processing Directive and then use the Post Processing to update the needed record (Update Field, RowMod = “U”, Run Update Method).

Yes, I tried an added row and all rows