Let’s do a quality of life enhancement and update the E10 topic logo to the 10.2 Epicor logo! That sleek blue
I did that for EpicWiki and got an email from Epicor Legal so…
Why would the old one not warrant action and the new one does?
Oh, my logo was the favicon and on the main page, so it was more of a branding issue. I see you’re saying just the topic, so that should be cool
Actually @jgiese.wci manually recreated a similar logo to epicor but it is not the actual logo (avoiding legal)
If you compare them they aren’t the same though it’s close enough
BTW, Epicor Legal was super friendly. She explained that their brand would be on a website where they have no control of the content. I completely understood what they meant and changed the logo right away. She wasn’t threatening or anything. It was very informative.
Mark W.
I’ve been on the other side of that email before that’s why we didn’t use the actual logo… I suppose they could come after us for using our “fake” lookalike logo
I suppose. But you’ve been careful to identify the site as not being associated with Epicor where I had a Wiki where that wasn’t very clear to the casual observer. We’ll probably be OK here.