Updateable BAQ Error Auto Receive into Inventory

hello i’ am getting a error with a updateable baq

Table: Part, Level:, Type: 3, RowID: 9, Text: Program:bo/Part/Part.p Method:partRevAfterGetNew Message:Invalid Base Revision.
Table: PartRev, Level:, Type: , RowID: 9, Text: Unable to add row

I would like to update the Auto Receive Into Inventory column

… please see new post above

You have the right table and field.

It shows up on the part method operation screen, but the field is stored on the part rev table as the operation #.

Brad Boes

Yea that is correct, I am not sure how I can update the part rev table as i am not able to pull the lastest rev , and the moment I am getting error

Table: Part, Level:, Type: 3, RowID: 9, Text: Program:bo/Part/Part.p Method:partRevAfterGetNew Message:Invalid Base Revision.
Table: PartRev, Level:, Type: , RowID: 9, Text: Unable to add row

Set your BAQ to have the Part Rev table criteria to state Approved = True OR if you just want the latest revision change the table from Each to Last by right clicking on the table in the diagram view.

It depends on what you want and how you keep your part revisions. Normally, I recommend that companies only keep one approved revision active if possible.

Do you have multiple approved revs?

Brad Boes

Many thanks i will give that a try Brad

That worked a treat, would the tables update in the current BAQ as i tried updating a row it worked with no errors but when i refresh the list value of the Auto Receive into Inventory goes back to 0.

I don’t think it’s possible to update a row that is approved.

Just to confirm…

When you double click to do the row pdate you get a message box with the AutoRecOpr field right?

And you entered a valid operation sequence number?

Brad Boes

yes that is correct brad, i have added approved into my query now, maybe i need to unproven before it will update?

Ah, yes that would make sense!

But then when you unapprove the rev to fix it that may drop the row out of the query?

Maybe showing all revisions with AutoRecOpr = 0 will work for you?

Brad Boes

I think that could be the right way.

it would be nice if the query could bring back two revisions which then I should show the newly unapproved revision some how.