I am slowly working on uplifting our customizations from Classic to Kinetic and have encountered a lot of head scratching and “deer-in-the-headlights” moments, so I am desperately asking for help.
We have a customization in classic on PO Entry, Line Details where we have added a drop-down field with a list of people to notify when the PO line is received. The person creating the PO, chooses the person who gets the email when it is received.
I was able to find the UD field (ShortChar01) in Application Studio and make it viewable, but I cannot for the life of me get the drop-down list to appear
You’ll want to configure this as a reusable combo (or perhaps a list combo)
How have you configured your combo box for the dropdown? Just the epBindings?
So far, I have only found the Epibinding.
I did not add a combo box, only FOUND the box that it was tied to in the classic screen and made it appear in Kinetic, and added the epi binding to it.
Is this not what we are supposed to do to uplift the customizations, or do we have to start from scratch?
I should note that I am very new to all of this and trying to learn with little success due to lack of information on the how. I have created customizations in Classic but have no clue where to find anything in Kinetic and I am the support for our company.
I misunderstood the process you are undergoing. (We are “uplifting” our classic customizations by rebuilding a select few on Kinetic - so I’m always adding our custom fields onto the screens.)
So check out what is under the Reusable Combo and Advanced configuration groups of the combo box
That’s where the meat of the combo box is - so we can see what was automatically populated (or not…)
I am bad at figuring our the source of data of combos in E10… but you know where the data is coming from, I can help configure (or reconfigure) what you have in Kinetic.
I was able to figure it out based on the above.
P.S. Gotta love how name changes and such cause so much havoc.
(ex. Classic epi = Person.PersonID vs. Kinetic Person.PersonCombo)
Such small changes can make this nearly impossible for people trying to learn.