Upload Price List w/Price Breaks?

Is there a way to upload a price list from a csv or Excel file, including multiple price breaks for each part?

Thank you.

Welcome Michael!
If you are in Supplier Price List, you can import a file from the actions menu. I think that covers most of what you need.

If you have the Data Management Tool (DMT), you can use the Supplier Price List form. It has all the right tables in it. Use the template builder, and choose the VendPBrk table to make sure you have price break data included.


Hi Nate,

We do have DMT; I’ve just never used it (and I’m pretty sure our admin hasn’t either). sound like a good opportunity to give it a try.

Thank you!

Definitely! Use the DMT in pilot first. Using the template builder is a good way to make sure you have all the fields you need when adding records. However, sometimes DMT doesn’t tell you all the fields you really need. So try to fill in as many as possible. Good luck!


I was actually thinking it might be a good idea to export the existing list using DMT, make the changes I need, then upload the revised file. Would that be a good option?

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Yes! In fact, this is my preferred method.


Ok, I have access to DMT. From what I gather, using DMT to export is a “powerful new feature”. Looks like I have to create a BAQ. I could do that several iterations of Epicor ago, but I have no idea how to do it now.

So, I can’t just click on an existing price list and export it?

Price List also has a special import/export utility that might be even easier than DMT…

You can take an existing price list (with some qty breaks in it) and export it, and that will give you the format needed for import.

Thank you for the quick response.

I just exported a price list “the easy way”, and it does look like the price breaks are included. I SWEAR this did not happen any other time. It looks like there is a new line for each price break, where the part number is repeated, and also a column with “00.00” that must account for some feature that I’m not using.

I’m guessing because there are no headings or labels on anything.

Does that sound right?

It does sound right. I do recall a bunch of fields that were 00.00 for us, I assume they are for multi-currency or something like that. It’s a shame there are no column headings…

I can deal with it (but I agree).

Thanks, again.