Over the next few months we are going to need to enter multiple miscellaneous invoices into Vantage and I was thinking that DMT might be the easiest \ fastest way to do this?
I have tried creating a template and have managed to get some of the invoice information in, however when I open the Invoice Group to post the invoice I get the following message: StartUp invoices cannot be changed using this process.
If I try changing the Startup field to False in the DMT file then it doesn’t load and I get this message: 10001 Not a startup invoice. Entry not allowed.
Am I missing something that is required for the invoice to be loaded? Is there any other way to import the invoices? They will just be basic 1 line per InvcHead. Thanks.
I think you are using the DMT for the STARTUP INVOICE BATCH … you should look for DMT’s TABLE options which import directly to the Invoice tables (combined or split version)… Although i am not certain these exist at V8.
in subsequent versions i beleve it is possible to load directly into the Invoice tables.
As such, and with great warning note: NO GL transactions are generated or documented.
The tricky part is to ensure the proper GL coding in the DMT for open items – so that when paid they are processing properly.
You can even load closed/zero balances invoice for referential purposes.
Check with EPICOR for additional DMT updates templates for AR Invoice and
AP Invoice, including MISC. These are not included with the base delivery
but we got them when we went from V8 to E9. We didn’t actually use them so
I can’t say how well they work. We just used the standard Open Invoice Load
to bring in this information.
Thank you for your replies. I can’t see any other tables available for Financial \ Invoicing in DMT at the moment… I did raise a support call with Epicor yesterday but am waiting for a response.
Might have figured a workaround… still testing though! If I drop the file in with DMT then have a customisation\BPM on the Invoice Group that changes the Startup field on each invoice to False it allows me to update the invoices. I still need to check we can load all the field data we need but hopefully that will work for the short time we need it for, unless Epicor come up with any other suggestions on my support call. Thank you all for your help.
CHECK the accounting on your invoices - especially when paying them off (cash receipts)
V8 - had a different gl system - so it may be more understanding …