There is no temp table that stores this info.
Vantage updates userfile.curcomp to the current company and
usercomp.curplant to the current plant at the *time of logout*. I find
this behavior kind of strange (stupid?), as it really should update when
the plant/company selection is changed (I requested this change but they
didn't buy my justification).
BAQ Reports give the current company and user as
BAQReportParameter.Company and BAQReport.Parameter.DCDUserID.
You can kind of make this work, but probably not as perfectly as you'd
-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf
Of epd_ltd
Sent: Monday, March 14, 2011 6:07 PM
Subject: [Vantage] USER TEMP Table
Need help!!!...i am looking for a Temp table that store temporary user
login data. the reason is that i am trying to create a crystal report
that will automate the filtering process for the plant in the report
that the user is login into instead of having the abilitty of filtering
in different plants while login into a specific one.
if someone know which temp table stores Users temp company and plant
login. please do share.
Thanks in advance.
Useful links for the Yahoo!Groups Vantage Board are: ( Note: You must
have already linked your email address to a yahoo id to enable access. )
(1) To access the Files Section of our Yahoo!Group for Report Builder
and Crystal Reports and other 'goodies', please goto:
(2) To search through old msg's goto:
(3) To view links to Vendors that provide Vantage services goto:! Groups Links
Vantage updates userfile.curcomp to the current company and
usercomp.curplant to the current plant at the *time of logout*. I find
this behavior kind of strange (stupid?), as it really should update when
the plant/company selection is changed (I requested this change but they
didn't buy my justification).
BAQ Reports give the current company and user as
BAQReportParameter.Company and BAQReport.Parameter.DCDUserID.
You can kind of make this work, but probably not as perfectly as you'd
-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf
Of epd_ltd
Sent: Monday, March 14, 2011 6:07 PM
Subject: [Vantage] USER TEMP Table
Need help!!!...i am looking for a Temp table that store temporary user
login data. the reason is that i am trying to create a crystal report
that will automate the filtering process for the plant in the report
that the user is login into instead of having the abilitty of filtering
in different plants while login into a specific one.
if someone know which temp table stores Users temp company and plant
login. please do share.
Thanks in advance.
Useful links for the Yahoo!Groups Vantage Board are: ( Note: You must
have already linked your email address to a yahoo id to enable access. )
(1) To access the Files Section of our Yahoo!Group for Report Builder
and Crystal Reports and other 'goodies', please goto:
(2) To search through old msg's goto:
(3) To view links to Vendors that provide Vantage services goto:! Groups Links