Using DMT to add Audit Logs to Quotes

Hi all,

I’m in the process of organising a mass-update to prices on existing quotes.
I have change logs enabled so that every time a quote is changed to Quoted the user has to leave a narrative as to what’s been changed.

My idea was to use DMT to add a small narrative to that field which would explain that the prices had been changed on this date.

The challenge I’m finding is updating the records.

It looks as though the field I need is Quoteadt.ChangeDescription, which I can find in DMT under Quote Header, but if I DMT an entry into this field, I get no error but the records don’t update to reflect.

I’ve also tried adding the Date and Time fields to correspond incase that was throwing it, but despite no errors, I still don’t see a result.

Any ideas what I may be doing wrong here?

DMT has a few ways it can work. It can add new records, update records, or delete records. If you want to update a record on a given table, first you need to know exactly what fields are needed for the update to take place. Usually, you can get this from the DMT by choosing the table you want to work on, and then click “Required” to see which fields need to be included.

This will get you most of the way there, and will probably work most of the time. However, there are some weird cases where more fields are required than is listed under the requirements. In these cases, turn to this group for the nitty-gritty.

One way to figure out which fields are needed is to trace the call. So turn on tracing, then make the update in Epicor manually. Stop the trace, and review the logs to see what data is needed to update a record. Often I will just export all the data possible for the record in question, then try to pull in all those fields into DMT while changing just the field I need to update. I hope this helps get you closer!
Good luck.

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Good shout Nate, hadn’t thought about tracing the call. Will give that a try and see where it leads me!