V8 - I have bad BO

I've been trying to manipulate the Vantage Business objects using VB.net and
for the life of me, I cannot load a BOM. I can create a new revision, check it
out but every time I try to check it back in, I get the message, "ECORev" has
not changed. I've tried adding records using the GetDetailsFromImport method -
but it errors out in the progress code somewhere, so I tried creating
ECOImport records (to simulate the GetDetailsFromImport) and I've tried adding
ECOMtl records directly, but I keep getting the "ECORev has not changed"
message when I try to check in the revision. I've followed the trace dump
calls but the UI must be setting something that is not viewable in the trace.

I'd appreciate any hints from those who have boldly gone before...


Mark W.