Vantage 6.1 - Business-Activity-Query Question

General linking suggestions - not sure if they will help but you do have a pretty complicated string of links:
1. Start with smallest table possible and link towards larger tables (so company first)
2. Try not to have branched links when possible
3. Use every field possible in which ever index you are using - use primary index when possible
4. Use fields in linking in the order they occur within the index

All of these will help. Another technique is, if you have it, to use Report Builder and create a simple report in it then the SQL it creates by doing Ctrl-Alt-P and then F12. Not the same syntax exactly as BAQ but it can give you a good head start and (when using the rules above) it will do a decent job of optimizing the SQL part.

-Todd C.

-----Original Message-----
From: Jim Feetterer [mailto:jfeetterer@...]
Sent: Friday, September 09, 2005 4:49 PM
Subject: [Vantage] Vantage 6.1 - Business-Activity-Query Question


I am relatively new to SQL/Business-Activity-Query and need to create a
spreadsheet containing all quotes received on the current day.

I created the following SQL which ran in 2 - 3 minutes but then the user
requested the contact name be added. I added the additional logic
(highlighted in red below) to get the contact-name and now it runs for
45 minutes (ouch).

Does any one have suggestions on how to improve the run time or
streamline this query?


Jim Feetterer

Morgan Bronze


for each QuoteHed Where QuoteHed.Company = cur-comp

and QuoteHed.QuoteClosed <> yes no-lock,

each QuoteDtl Where QuoteDtl.Company = QuoteHed.Company

and QuoteHed.DateQuoted = 09/08/05

and QuoteDtl.QuoteNum = QuoteHed.QuoteNum no-lock,

each QuoteQty Where QuoteQty.Company = QuoteHed.Company

and QuoteQty.QuoteNum = QuoteHed.QuoteNum

and QuoteDtl.QuoteLine = QuoteQty.quoteline no-lock,

each Customer Where Customer.Company = QuoteHed.Company

and Customer.CustNum = QuoteHed.CustNum no-lock,

each QuoteCnt Where QuoteCnt.Company = cur-comp no-lock,

each Company Where Company.Company = QuoteCnt.Company no-lock,

each CustCnt Where CustCnt.Company = cur-comp

and Customer.CustNum = CustCnt.CustNum

and QuoteHed.QuoteNum = QuoteCnt.QuoteNum

and QuoteCnt.ConNum = CustCnt.ConNum


each SalesRep Where SalesRep.Company = cur-comp

and Customer.SalesRepCode = SalesRep.SalesRepCode

and SalesRep.RepReportsTo = 'SSmith'


BY Customer.Name:


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I am relatively new to SQL/Business-Activity-Query and need to create a
spreadsheet containing all quotes received on the current day.

I created the following SQL which ran in 2 - 3 minutes but then the user
requested the contact name be added. I added the additional logic
(highlighted in red below) to get the contact-name and now it runs for
45 minutes (ouch).

Does any one have suggestions on how to improve the run time or
streamline this query?


Jim Feetterer

Morgan Bronze


for each QuoteHed Where QuoteHed.Company = cur-comp

and QuoteHed.QuoteClosed <> yes no-lock,

each QuoteDtl Where QuoteDtl.Company = QuoteHed.Company

and QuoteHed.DateQuoted = 09/08/05

and QuoteDtl.QuoteNum = QuoteHed.QuoteNum no-lock,

each QuoteQty Where QuoteQty.Company = QuoteHed.Company

and QuoteQty.QuoteNum = QuoteHed.QuoteNum

and QuoteDtl.QuoteLine = QuoteQty.quoteline no-lock,

each Customer Where Customer.Company = QuoteHed.Company

and Customer.CustNum = QuoteHed.CustNum no-lock,

each QuoteCnt Where QuoteCnt.Company = cur-comp no-lock,

each Company Where Company.Company = QuoteCnt.Company no-lock,

each CustCnt Where CustCnt.Company = cur-comp

and Customer.CustNum = CustCnt.CustNum

and QuoteHed.QuoteNum = QuoteCnt.QuoteNum

and QuoteCnt.ConNum = CustCnt.ConNum


each SalesRep Where SalesRep.Company = cur-comp

and Customer.SalesRepCode = SalesRep.SalesRepCode

and SalesRep.RepReportsTo = 'SSmith'


BY Customer.Name:


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