Vantage 8.03 BPM Error

I can't even save a comment and why it didn't post my BPM. It lends me to believe that another BPM is broken, but I have openend and closed each one successfully. Thanks

--- In, "liss_c" <lcontreras@...> wrote:
> Can you post your BPM?
> --- In, "mustardbuzzards" <c.edwards@> wrote:
> >
> > I have about 22 bpms on job.update.preprocessing. Not all are enabled.
> > I am tryig to create a new one and using the Advance Section. It won't even save comments. States an error:
> > Incompatible data types in expression or assignment. (223)
> > Could not understand lne 1. (198)
> >
> > Does this error apply to only this BPM or is their a problem somewhere else? Are there any utilites that can be run to assist me?
> >
> > Thanks
> > Clinton
> >
I have about 22 bpms on job.update.preprocessing. Not all are enabled.
I am tryig to create a new one and using the Advance Section. It won't even save comments. States an error:
Incompatible data types in expression or assignment. (223)
Could not understand lne 1. (198)

Does this error apply to only this BPM or is their a problem somewhere else? Are there any utilites that can be run to assist me?

Can you post your BPM?

--- In, "mustardbuzzards" <c.edwards@...> wrote:
> I have about 22 bpms on job.update.preprocessing. Not all are enabled.
> I am tryig to create a new one and using the Advance Section. It won't even save comments. States an error:
> Incompatible data types in expression or assignment. (223)
> Could not understand lne 1. (198)
> Does this error apply to only this BPM or is their a problem somewhere else? Are there any utilites that can be run to assist me?
> Thanks
> Clinton
I haven't tested that scenario too extensively, but I'm pretty sure it's in
the BPM you're currently editing. If you post it, we can take a look and try
to help find the error.

On Fri, Jul 22, 2011 at 2:11 PM, mustardbuzzards <
c.edwards@...> wrote:

> **
> I have about 22 bpms on job.update.preprocessing. Not all are enabled.
> I am tryig to create a new one and using the Advance Section. It won't even
> save comments. States an error:
> Incompatible data types in expression or assignment. (223)
> Could not understand lne 1. (198)
> Does this error apply to only this BPM or is their a problem somewhere
> else? Are there any utilites that can be run to assist me?
> Thanks
> Clinton

*Waffqle Driggers*
*High End Dev, System Design, Profit Drinking
*:: 904.962.2887*
*:: waffqle@...*



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