Vantage 8.03 Printing

From Yahoo List Post Migration:

Every morning we have to reboot our server, as Vantage gets to a point where it will not print reports. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.

No idea, but we use a little batch to stop / start that doesn’t cause everyone to have to logoff.

I can’t guarantee it would work on 8 though.

Ray Zorz
ACI IT Manager
3279 E. Harbour Drive
Phoenix, AZ 85034
602-447-3160 Direct Dial
602-272-7600 Main Office
602-515-7010 Cell

Having a Batch file that stops and starts the All Appservers but the main one is something we did where I use to work and I have setup a few customers with that now from Vantage 8.03.400 to 9.05….

Set that to run through windows scheduling 1 to 3 times a day such as first thing in the morning – at lunch time and towards the end of the day.

You can also setup a batch file icon on the Main Server and teach a few people how to just click it and kick it off when you are not around.

When I was at Forum – several of us were out to lunch and they call the IT Manager and he just directed them to the icon that they had access to and they ran it and all was good.


Kevin P Rosell

Cell: (281) 615-5248


We had a similar issue with Vantage 8. We scheduled a batch file to restart the task and process server along with the Sonic service to help the multi-company sync process. I can email it to you if you want to take a look.

Bryan DeRuvo
Director of Information Technology
The VMC Group

Here’s our batch file that runs everyday at 4:00 AM, Windos scheduled task.

@echo off
REM set DLC=E:\Epicor\OE101B
set DLC=E:\Progress\OpenEdge

echo .................. STOPPING MfgSys803 DB/APPSERVER ...................

cd \Epicor\MfgSys803\db

call asbman -name MfgSys803ProcessServer -stop
call asbman -name MfgSys803TaskAgent -stop
call asbman -name MfgSys803 -stop
call dbman -host localhost -port 20931 -database MfgSys803 -stop

echo Testing Lock File
IF EXIST E:\Epicor\mfgsys803\db\ GOTO TestStop

echo .................. STARTING MfgSys803 DB/APPSERVER ...................

call dbman -host localhost -port 20931 -database MfgSys803 -start
call asbman -name MfgSys803 -start
call asbman -name MfgSys803TaskAgent -start
call asbman -name MfgSys803ProcessServer -start

This runs fine, but occasionally it has to be re-run iin the middle of the day. And sometimes, it even requires doing the restart manually, by going into PET and stopping the AppServers, and DB, then restarting the DB and AppServers. Not sure why a manual retsrt works when the batch file doesn’t.

You should not need to stop the MfgSys803 process, the TaskAgent and ProcessServer should do the trick.

You could add a delay between them and also a delay before the restart, that would likely make them work more like a manual restart.

Here is a WIKI link for some ways to add a delay.


EDIT: This Post could be closed and @ckrusen credited, my input was just a minor suggestion.