At 11:53 AM 7/13/2006, you wrote:
AP Check was transitioned to a Crystal form. Before that, you could
at least set a parameter to tell it how many invoices to print per
stub, allowing some degree of work-around.
Maybe if you paid your next Epicor maintenance bill in pennies, it
would get someone's attention?
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>Vantage A/P Check formPretty Darned Annoying, isn't it? IIRC, it started at 4.x when the
>We are paying the Vendor a grand total of $200k, but it is for many
>invoices. Because they won't all "fit" on one check, it instead
>prints four checks, each for different amounts, but all totaling the $200k.
AP Check was transitioned to a Crystal form. Before that, you could
at least set a parameter to tell it how many invoices to print per
stub, allowing some degree of work-around.
Maybe if you paid your next Epicor maintenance bill in pennies, it
would get someone's attention?
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