Vantage A/P Check form

At 11:53 AM 7/13/2006, you wrote:
>Vantage A/P Check form
>We are paying the Vendor a grand total of $200k, but it is for many
>invoices. Because they won't all "fit" on one check, it instead
>prints four checks, each for different amounts, but all totaling the $200k.

Pretty Darned Annoying, isn't it? IIRC, it started at 4.x when the
AP Check was transitioned to a Crystal form. Before that, you could
at least set a parameter to tell it how many invoices to print per
stub, allowing some degree of work-around.

Maybe if you paid your next Epicor maintenance bill in pennies, it
would get someone's attention?


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

We are paying the Vendor a grand total of $200k, but it is for many
invoices. Because they won't all "fit" on one check, it instead
prints four checks, each for different amounts, but all totaling the

What we want is one check to print with the grand total, and the
others to print as voids... with the invoice information on the stubs.

Has anyone written a modification for this? If so, how was it