Vantage sales report

Yes Kirstin is right at the address tab at country for UK change it how you want it to display then for every customer with that country their doc will print accordingly. For more refined rqmt indeed right at the Customer. because if you change the Crystal it will change for all
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

-----Original Message-----
From: "kirstin.brandt" <kirstin.brandt@...>

Date: Wed, 02 Sep 2009 17:58:59
To: <>
Subject: [Vantage] Re:vantage sales report

You didn't say what version you were in, but in 8.03.404+ at least, you can change how your addresses print based on country or at the customer, customer billing, customer shipping levels, etc.


--- In, "Powers, Bob" <bpowers@...> wrote:
> Hi,
> If I understand the question correctly......
> You probably already have a bunch of formulas in your CR report that
> breaks this up. Should look like @BilltoAddress1, @BilltoAddress2, etc.
> These in turn are placed in your address block in order. It may be as
> simple rearranging these. Using your signature block as an example, your
> postcode would come out as @BilltoAddress4 and United Kingdom would come
> out as @BilltoAddress5, just place 4 before 5
> Bob
> *************************************
> Bob Powers
> Mechanical Dynamics and Analysis, Ltd.
> Office: 518.399.3616
> Cell: 518.321-4186
> bpowers@... <mailto:bpowers@...>
> *************************************
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Can anyone help with crystal report when i pull in Order.hed.calc.BTAddressList to sales order

Which give out the following address format but i want postcode to come last how can i change this?

Joe Bloggs LTDUnit 3,
The Technology Centre
ab11 op4
United Kingdom
Hi Kirsty,

In my version the address in the bill to address list field is setup
with a tilde "~" between each "row." You can create a formula to split
the address into an array where you can access each line separately.
The following will allow you to extract line 1 from the address list.

stringvar AddressLine1;

stringvar array AddressList;

AddressList := split({OrderHed.Calc_BillToAddressList},"~");

AddressLine1 := AddressList[1]


Linda Lowney

From: [] On Behalf
Of kirsty2179
Sent: Wednesday, September 02, 2009 7:55 AM
Subject: [Vantage] vantage sales report

Can anyone help with crystal report when i pull in
Order.hed.calc.BTAddressList to sales order

Which give out the following address format but i want postcode to come
last how can i change this?

Joe Bloggs LTDUnit 3,
The Technology Centre
ab11 op4
United Kingdom

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

If I understand the question correctly......

You probably already have a bunch of formulas in your CR report that
breaks this up. Should look like @BilltoAddress1, @BilltoAddress2, etc.
These in turn are placed in your address block in order. It may be as
simple rearranging these. Using your signature block as an example, your
postcode would come out as @BilltoAddress4 and United Kingdom would come
out as @BilltoAddress5, just place 4 before 5



Bob Powers

Mechanical Dynamics and Analysis, Ltd.

Office: 518.399.3616

Cell: 518.321-4186

bpowers@... <mailto:bpowers@...>


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
You didn't say what version you were in, but in 8.03.404+ at least, you can change how your addresses print based on country or at the customer, customer billing, customer shipping levels, etc.


--- In, "Powers, Bob" <bpowers@...> wrote:
> Hi,
> If I understand the question correctly......
> You probably already have a bunch of formulas in your CR report that
> breaks this up. Should look like @BilltoAddress1, @BilltoAddress2, etc.
> These in turn are placed in your address block in order. It may be as
> simple rearranging these. Using your signature block as an example, your
> postcode would come out as @BilltoAddress4 and United Kingdom would come
> out as @BilltoAddress5, just place 4 before 5
> Bob
> *************************************
> Bob Powers
> Mechanical Dynamics and Analysis, Ltd.
> Office: 518.399.3616
> Cell: 518.321-4186
> bpowers@... <mailto:bpowers@...>
> *************************************
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]