Vendor Spend BAQ Report


We have an issue with one of our vendor reports. The amount spent is not correct. For example, for this quarter, it says we have spent much more than we actually have. For March it is much less. Here is the Query:

	[Vendor].[VendorNum] as [Vendor_VendorNum],
	[Vendor].[VendorID] as [Vendor_VendorID],
	[Vendor].[Name] as [Vendor_Name],
	[Vendor].[Address1] as [Vendor_Address1],
	[Vendor].[Address2] as [Vendor_Address2],
	[Vendor].[Address3] as [Vendor_Address3],
	[Vendor].[City] as [Vendor_City],
	[Vendor].[State] as [Vendor_State],
	[Vendor].[ZIP] as [Vendor_ZIP],
	[Vendor].[PhoneNum] as [Vendor_PhoneNum],
	[Vendor].[TermsCode] as [Vendor_TermsCode],
	[POHeader].[OrderDate] as [POHeader_OrderDate],
	[POHeader].[TotalCharges] as [POHeader_TotalCharges],
	[POHeader].[TotalMiscCharges] as [POHeader_TotalMiscCharges],
	[POHeader].[TotalOrder] as [POHeader_TotalOrder],
	[VendCnt].[ConNum] as [VendCnt_ConNum],
	[VendCnt].[Name] as [VendCnt_Name],
	[VendCnt].[PhoneNum] as [VendCnt_PhoneNum],
	[VendCnt].[EmailAddress] as [VendCnt_EmailAddress],
	[Vendor].[PrimPCon] as [Vendor_PrimPCon]
from Erp.Vendor as Vendor
inner join Erp.POHeader as POHeader on 
	Vendor.Company = POHeader.Company
	and Vendor.VendorNum = POHeader.VendorNum
left outer join Erp.VendCnt as VendCnt on 
	VendCnt.Company = Vendor.Company
	and VendCnt.VendorNum = Vendor.VendorNum
	and VendCnt.ConNum = Vendor.PrimPCon

The current BAQ is not pulling the correct numbers. When we pull the data from the supplier tracker (links) it shows different summations; by a huge margin on both sides.

SHI_VendorSpend.baq (26.9 KB)

SupplierSpend.xml (3.8 KB)

The last line of your query is suspect to me. You are getting values for the wrong year I think.

I am very new to BAQ.

Is there a way I can fix that?

That was added by you or someone to filter the returned records. Are you looking to only see the last year’s values? If so, I would put that filter in the sub query. Also, you don’t need two sub queries for this, just a CASE statement for one year vs another.

Hello Jason,

This was not created by me. I was tasked with fixing it, however. I believe they want the current year, not last year. I am not sure how to edit the SubQuery, as nothing comes up under that tab:

SHI_SupplierSpend.baq (26.9 KB)

Here is the full BAQ.

Doh. I had the wrong BAQ for this. Should I find a way to delete this post and repost with the correct report?

I have edited my original post to the correct report.

Some more context:

Period to Period, our Received not invoiced is not an issue. The goal is to capture invoiced dollars either associated with matched purchase orders or misc invoice dollars. The exercise is how much do we owe a supplier/vendor according to their invoicing… Sum by supplier invoice date is fine.

Don’t know if this is your issue, but that BAQ brought back duplicates in our envoirnment.

We have the same contact used in multiple places on the vendor. That could cause numbers to double up.


a quick query would show the duplicates for you to investigate if this is the issue.

select POHeader.PONum, count(*)
from Erp.Vendor as Vendor
inner join Erp.POHeader as POHeader on 
	Vendor.Company = POHeader.Company
	and Vendor.VendorNum = POHeader.VendorNum
left join Erp.VendCnt as VendCnt on 
	VendCnt.Company = Vendor.Company
	and VendCnt.VendorNum = Vendor.VendorNum
	and VendCnt.ConNum = Vendor.PrimPCon
  group by POHeader.PONum
  having count(*)>1

Hello Ken,

Thank you for responding.

  1. Do I add this query to the BAQ or create a new BAQ to investigate?
  2. Is there a way to either copy/paste or write this query?

Best regards,

You would need to create a new BAQ. or have IT run it from a query tool.

Thank you.

Is there a way to paste or write the query, instead of building it? Like into General->Query Phrase.


Here is the BAQ.

delete.baq (20.9 KB)

Oh, thank you!

duplicates.xlsx (10.4 KB)

Here is the result. It looks like each PO is being counted twice?

Guessing there are multiple contacts per vendor.

If you remove the vendcnt contact table from the SHI_VendorSpend BAQ are the numbers correct?

Were those subquery on the BAQ before? They may have been removing the contact dups. I cannot tell from the screenshot.

You cannot paste script into the BAQ designer - you have to design from scratch - attached is an AP Spend by Supplier BAQ that hopefully will help. This BAQ looks at AP invoices rather than PO’s as the PO could be raised for a different value than the final supplier invoice

Reach out if you need more assistance
EPA_APSpendBySupplier.baq (6.8 KB)

The screenshot was from the wrong BAQ I originally posted.

The correct BAQ is now on the original post.

I guess my question is, if duplicate contacts are causing the issue, why is our spending UNDER the amount it should be for March?

Thank you Sue, I will look into that!