View Audit Form -- Big Web Design Fluff (Hall of Shame-worthy?)

Has anyone with ECM Admin access experienced this?

Almost every time I try to do a search to view Audit records, I want to instantly click that S-button to the right – the SUBMIT button to Purge records!

My DocStar professional services partner told me recently never to click the Submit button on ECM’s Admin > View Audit page to clear audit records (essentially, to purge audit records). Reason: It can cause issues and Epicor has provided a SQL script to purge old records in the audit table.

BUT this View Audit page is useful for searching audit records. Here’s what I consider to be a big web design fluff: If View Audit page shows a lot of audit records, the Search button can easily be hidden at the bottom. In this scenario, if you enter search criteria, the only visible button is the Clear Audit SUBMIT button to the right!

You have to stop and remember to scroll down to find that SEARCH button! Bad design IMO.


We don’t use ECM, but yeah that’s bad design, especially when submitting looks like it deletes data. Is it disabled until you choose a radio or is one of the radios checked to begin with?

Kind of like when by default Epicor ERP has the delete button right next to the save button in the menu.

I the devs they just skimmed the chapters on UI and UX. Maybe they flipped through the chapter and were like “nah, we don’t need to study this, this adds no value”. :upside_down_face:

Scott, the SUBMIT button to purge is visible immediately when a user goes to the View Audit page. By default, the radio button is set to Purge All Audit Records. I have to believe a prompt to confirm would come up if someone clicked SUBMIT. But I’m afraid to click to find out!

Now, in the developer’s defense, the webpage looks like this at first, with the SEARCH button quite visible:

@JerseyEric I don’t set any of those for normal users including my normal user. I have an admin user that is a site admin for all of that. I think if you set View audit and not clear audit it would be safe.


Great suggestion! I’m a Site Admin in ECM, though, so I cannot disable Clear Audit for my own ECM user account.

@JerseyEric That is why I made two of them. One for building and using workflows and the other is a site admin. That site admin is a scary setting.

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