Void Purchase Order Line?

I see that there are VoidOrder, VoidLine and Void Release columns in the Purchase Order tables. I also see this in the Epicor field help definition:

"Indicates if the Line was voided. Voided line items are not maintainable, can’t “unvoid”. This field is not directly maintainable. Instead the void function will be performed via a “Void Line” button. Which then presents a verification dialog box.
When an PODetail record is ‘voided’, all current open PORel records are also closed and voided. If no other open PoDetail records exist then set the PoHeader.OperOrder = No.
This can also be set when the related PoHeader is voided."

How do we properly void a line? Do we just mark it closed if it is no longer going to be received? We don’t want to delete it so we can keep the history. I thought maybe voiding the line would be the correct way but I don’t see the “Void Line” button. And the Epicor Application Help was no help at all.


From 10.2 Help

Example - close of line with out receipt

Thank you. The “Void Line” button in the field help is confusing.

Also, Is that a Personalized/Customized Form? I don’t see the “Status” in the Base Forms in 10.2.200 or 10.1.600.

Nevermind, you were on the Release Tab. I see it now.