How have you all managed doing serialized labeling for GS1-128 labels in Epicor?
Hey Randy, did you end up working this out?
We’re looking at using the PCID’s, but it doesn’t look like we can have custom calculation for segments. which is a shame. Would be a nice addition to have a calculated segment, which you could put a formula in based on the other segments.
Hey Andrew, PCID is indeed the method in Epicor now and can be tweaked via BPMs.
PCID wasn’t in 10.0 yet so we couldn’t use it. Plus the company I was at at the time got purchased by a bigger fish and they migrated off Epicor ERP before we created a real system. We only needed this to fulfill a customer demand on items shipped to them, so our stop-gap before switching ERPs was a bit of a fake job. It worked for this particular customer only but got them over to their new ERP.