We are now Live On Kinetic 2022.2.23 from 10.2.600.9

Version 10.X / 202X.Y → 202X.Z

This topic covers tips, tricks and known issues for making the jump between the two above sessions.


Using Solution Workbench for Directives: Make sure you are selecting the option to remove Directives with Matching Name. (I did not check it)

Known Issues:

The result was all my directives were doubled. Generating issues throughout the application.

I tought the Automatic overwrite duplicate files was doing just that !!!

I did not even noticed it during our trial runs… which I found surprising…

Anyway thought it could be helpfull to warn my fellow community members !

Now I need to look at removing thos doubled entries… hours of fun… :roll_eyes:



Can’t you just redeploy and choose the correct options?

Yes I could but I did a booboo…
My solutions were created since our last attempt (we expereinced an issue grong to v14… which postponed our live install…)
And some changes were made in the meantime to a few… and forgot to redo the solution with them…

soooo I need to go through manually to remove the extras…

But otherwise, yes in a few minutes it would have been all resolved…

my bad…


btw, how do I change the version beside my face ? I tried in settings but did not find…


Click your photo, then the Profile icon on the bottom right then Preferences


Then Click on the profile tab a

Scroll down to Version



thank you that did it!